
Friday, December 30, 2011

Love & Friendship

     Kyaaaaaaaaa.... now Im back again with the new post. Last night suddenly i was thinking to ask my friends what definition of love and friendship according to their own opinion. So here the definition about love and friendship from their point of view.
Lets check this out :D

@mtyoga             : Love and friendship.. Idk ; Love is you. Friendship is you.

@destarsuwarto      : Love is feeling and friendship is procces.

@wireeh             : Love: Never mind who you are, and with the unexpected time you can get into this side. Unpredictable&complicated. Friendship is more than anything, thats it.

@nisyarsc            : Love is the idea of self in a soul. Love is unwarranted. Friend is a comfort in life.

@habiint            : Love itu cinta, friendship itu pertemanan seorang pria karena gue pria. Love & friendship itu berarti cinta sama teman prianya. (and) love is you friendship is better than all after my family.

@admiralagung      : hm, friendship and love right? Friendship can makes love, but falling in love with best friend ain`t good. Love? When we feel comfort with someone. Friendship? When we need someone so much when we really regret when what person gone.

@PutriPhewe       : hmmh love : its hurt sometime`s J. Friendship, more than anything we could tell everything, that we couldn`t tell to parents or even cousin.

@ezash              : hm ? they have similiar, akan berakhir suatu saat.

@wandautami       : Gue gak ngertiiiii  haha -> Love is friendship, Friendship is love.

@nuruldewanti      : Love adalah rasa dimana lo sangat suka sama sesuatu dan membuat lo sulit untuk mengendalikannya karena love adalah anugrah. Friendship adalah seseorang yang ada didekat kita dalam keadaan apapun.

@sitaprilaa          : Hmm, love sama friendship itu susah kalo berdampingan, ngerti nggak? Hahaha

@shyaHK            : Menurut pendapat w love itu suatu yang khusus, kalau yang dimaksud love with someone ya pasti sama lawan jenis, kalau friendship lebih umum dan yang pasti bisa sama siapa aja, yang jenisnya bisa beda juga bisa.. Dua duanya sama2 butuh pengertian, take and give, sama  takdir ga semua orang bisa jd your lover dan ga semua orang juga bisa jadi bestfriend.. gt
@ulfamaliaa         : Cinta: perasaan yang nggak bisa dilihat oranf perasaan yang dateng nggak kenal tempat, waktu atau keadaan dan cuma bisa dirasain nggak bisa disentuh bisa dibilang abstrak tapi kerasa... Sahabat : selalu ada kapan aja bisa nerima semua kekurangan dan kelebihan nggak peduli apapun.

Satrio               : Sahabat: Saat ia menangis & kau akan menangis bersamanya. Cinta : Saat ia menangis dan kau akan membiarkan dia menangis dipundakmu. Sahabat: Kau akan menemaninya disaat di membutuhkan. Cinta: Kau akan menemaninya disaat bagaimanapun keaadaanmu.

@sekarayu407      : Mereka berdua bekerja sama dan saling membutuhkan satu sama lain. Love butuh friendship dan friendship butuh love. Dan mereka berdua seperti magic  

@renyfaustina       : Love and friendship has a similiar, we can`t live without them.

And the last for me is Love is feel that we dont know whether is wrong or right. We just face it. Sometime love is hurt, love is hard, love is sick, love is abstract, love is pain etc. And sometime love is colorfull, love is kind, love is friends etc.

And friendship is someone who live in our heart, stay here with us, 24/7, best friend is God`s gift we love and need them the most and friend is love :)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Twitter Birthday Greetings

Not only messages in my inbox but there are so many friends who give 
Birthday greetings to me. Especially on my Twitter.
Check this out :D

By the way thanks guys for remember my birthday :D

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My 18th y.o Birthday Greetings

Wow at December 26th was my birthday..
Im so glad that many my friends remember about my birthday.
Im so surprised about it.
Now I wanna show you guys messages that they sent to me. Check this out :)
P.s: I showed this pictures based on time that they sent to me.

The first friend that said happy birthday to me was 'Nahlia' She also known as
"Syahrini" because she looks like Syahrini on of singer from Indonesia.
You can check the pict here

Yeah, and then its from Syifa, she is one of my best friend. The awkward moment was
when she wanna send me text suddenly her balance was over haha. 
Actually, some minutes before she said to me happy birthday, me and she was
text each others :D
Wow both of her is my best friends since elementary school.
But, wait wait, they was joking about my 18 birthday.
They said to me that Im a little bit older than the.
What the hell is this oh my God. lol :D

And..... the last one is from Lulu she asked me that whether she was the last sender
birthday text to me. And I said no.

Finally thats only some people who messages me to my phone, and next insya Allah I wanna post about some friends who said happy birthday on twitter..
ok, see ya there :D